Curriculum S. Del Giudice

June 26, 1990, Napoli, Italy


Italian citizen


Work address: Department of Biology and Biotechnology “Charles Darwin”, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


Phone: +39 06 49912849           


Fax: +39 06 4456866







Present days: PhD studentship in Genetic and Moulecular Biology. Supervisor: Prof. Isabella Saggio.


2016: Laurea cum laude in Genetic and Molecolar Biology Applied to Base and Biomedical Research (Master Degree), “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

Degree thesis title:"Ruolo della proteina telomerica AKTIP nell'invecchiamento e nella senescenza cellulare", Department of Biology and Biotechnologies "Charles Darwin", Sapienza University of Rome. Thesis project coordinator Prof. Isabella Saggio.


2014: Laurea cum laude in General and Applied Biology, curriculm Molecolar and Cellular Biology (Bachelor degree), at “Federico II” University of Napoli. Degree thesis title: “Studio della localizzazione subcellulare di mutanti di fosforilazione dell’oncosopressore p14ARF”. Thesis project coordinator: Prof.ssa AlessandraPollice, “ Federico II” University of Napoli.


2009: Maturità scientifica (High School Degree) ,“Liceo scientifico L.B. Alberti” Napoli, Italy.





·       Bacterial Transformation


·       Protein extraction from mammalian cells


·       Western Blotting


·       Mammalian cell culture


·       Mammalian cell transfection


·       PCR, RT-PCR, Real-Time PCR


·       RNA extraction from cells and retro-transcription


·       Plasmid DNA Purification (Maxiprep, Midiprep, Miniprep).


·       Cytological Preparation and analysis


·       FISH


·       Immunofluorescence assy on cells


·       Cloning Techniques


·       Genomic DNA Isolation from cells





Operating systems: Windows and Mac Os X


· Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word
, Microsoft Excel, 
Microsoft Power Point


· Adobe Suite: Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Bridge CS6


Web browsers: Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer





